
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0241 – The Throw Away Wallet

I try to make sure that all of my EDC items are EUI, as in Every Day Use. My TAW or throw away wallet is no exception. It is the wallet I use most often, and in a pinch it may serve as as way to avoid crime, keep it from escalating, or create the opportunity for you to turn the tables and dominate. If you don't have one, get yourself a throw away wallet.

0229 – Avoiding Civil Unrest

We are all going to die. I guess it sucks, but either way it is fact. Also fact is that I don't want to die by being beaten to death by a feces throwing, explosive launching dirt bag in the middle of some protest that he doesn't even know what is about. Mobs are bad news. I don't like bad news, so I work to avoid civil unrest.

0225 – Preparing for Cold Weather CCW

I really do like the cool weather of fall and winter. I know it doesn't come without its complications, but at the same time, I feel more able to mitigate those challenges than I do the challenges of hot weather. Today we are going to take a look at how we can more efficiently carry our self-defense tools in cold weather. The tips and tricks apply to all of the tools you might choose to carry, but we will focus on the handgun as our primary example. Enjoy the show, enjoy the season and have a great day!

0223 – Less Training = Less Competence

When the chips are down, we need to be ready. The last thing we want to do in a violent encounter is to put more on our plate. Think for a moment about what is involved in dominating a violent encounter. You must recognize the situation for what it is, decide what you are going to do about it, do it, reevaluate and repeat. All of those steps take time and time is something you have very little of in violence. Don't add to the list. Train so that you are ready to dominate when life deals you a rotten hand. Train to avoid incompetence.

0208 – An Evaluation of Manual Safeties in Fighting Handguns

Facing a violent encounter and prevailing can be quite a daunting task. Violent attacks are often a surprise for the victim. We know and understand that violence is fast and chaotic. We know that no matter our physical strength, our size, our training, our weapons and proficiency with them that we can lose because of the above factors. Today we will take a look at one of the common questions that people have when they are shopping for a self-defense handgun. Manual safety, or not?

0205 – FF Flipped The Switch

Recently I was chatting with Bryan at a birthday party talking about how much I like to use videos available on youtube to help my students and listeners understand violence. Well, wouldn't you know it, Bryan had a gem. He fired off a link to me in an email, and here we are with episode 205.

0156 – Third Party Defense

Today's show is the third in a pretty loose series of episodes designed to help us to decide if we should get involved in situation that are taking place around us. Remember that to even have the opportunity to make a choice in the situations we are referring to in these shows, we have to be aware. Without awareness we are simply going to be bumbling in and out of situations without conscious control. We never want to give up control of our destiny so start out by being aware.

0154 – Even Though it Can Be Tough, MYOB!

Some of my family and friends laugh at me because of the things I notice when I am out and about. They never realize that I'm laughing right back at what they miss because they aren't paying attention, because they aren't paying attention. It is kind of a funny situation. For me, aware is the only way to be.

0145 – FF A Discussion of Violence and AOJP

K sent this video in suggesting it as a possible FF Video. I thought that it was a great example of some do's and dont's when it comes to violent encounters so into the que it went.