
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0143 – Be a Hard Target

If you spend any time watching National Geographic type television, you undoubtedly see the classic scene where the predator gobbles up the unsuspecting prey. It truly is natural selection at work, and all predators are experts at spotting the easy targets.

0136 – Get Some Rest: My Story

My wife and I are very blessed in that we have successfully structured our lives to place family as a top priority. This past weekend we made a trip to the south to spend time with extended family to celebrate a birthday. The drive we made was a total of about 13 hours. That amount of time in the car can certainly tire you out. It did me. Today we will take a look at the consequences that resulted from my fatigue.

0134 – SDFAQ Should I Carry Pepper Spray?

In my FSDUC courses one of the most common questions I get is, "Should I carry pepper spray." For me the answer is pretty simple. Of course. Today let's take a quick look at why and just a few of the MANY factors we need to consider.

0131 – LE Get Some Rest

It seems a bit silly to talk about the importance of sleep in staying safe, however, I'm guessing that more bad stuff happens every day due to fatigue than any other reason.

0128 – LE What Can Women Learn From This

I really appreciate the input that I get from my listeners. If you haven't found Sports Stole My Man you should check it out. Jen Posted up on my FB wall a link to this article Lululemon Robbery/Murder with the question: "What can women learn from this?" Great question, but I'm not surprised that's what good journalists do is ask good questions.

0125 – FF LA Contest and Hotel Robbery Shooting

Man, what a weekend! We got hit with a pretty decent storm Thursday night through Friday which creates a load of extra work for me and gets me behind in my game. Add to that the fact that I had family come in to town for a family birthday and Friday's Podcast just had to wait! Now that we have a show up, check out the great performance of a hotel clerk in this shootout. There are some things we will talk about that could have gone better as well!

0122 – Carry Weapon Condition

One of the things I enjoy most about teaching is the opportunities it provides to be reminded of my humble beginnings. In the past 12 years or so that I have become increasingly interested in self-defense and concealed weapons I have had the opportunity to gain a tremendous amount of knowledge. Working with students who are where I once was is an excellent reminder of where it is that I came from. That being said, I don't ever remember being in a place where I didn't carry a gun with a round in the chamber. I am always surprised as to how often I read on the www how people are unsure as to whether they should carry their gun with a round in the tube.

0120 – FF Mindset, Tactics, and Improvised Impact Weapon Defeat Armed Robber

In war "Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back." Heraclitus (circa 500 BC)

0114 – Tools of Unarmed Self-Defense: Your Knees

I love the fact that everyday we are walking around with a pair of sledge hammers to use to defend ourselves when the need arises. The premier striking tool we posses as unarmed combatants is without a doubt our knees. Today we will take a look at how our knees can be used as our most powerful tools of unarmed combat.

0113 – Tools of Unarmed Self-Defense: Your Elbows

Episodes 0111 and o112 laid some strong foundational information for the remainder the podcasts that will deal with the fundamentals of unarmed combat. Make sure you have given them a good listen before you continue on through the remainder of the unarmed combat podcasts.