National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

Concealed Carry: 5 types of training you need!

Your concealed carry permit is not enough! Really.  Your concealed…

Brownells Releases Personal Protection Catalog

Today, Brownells – released its new Personal Protection…

0328 – An Interview with Joe Gionti, Lead Instructor at Willioughby School of Gung Fu

Last week I had the chance to sit down with my good friend Joe Gionti to talk about his experience with martial arts and how those that have a mind toward real world application can find the best self-defense training when it comes to unarmed self-defense.

0298 – AAR ICE Training’s Extreme Close Quarters Tactics Course Day 2 and the Skill Development Cycle

There are very few courses out there that effectively teach, develop and then evaluate skills. When we start dealing with the challenging world of Extreme Close Quarters Tactics field gets narrowed even further. Rob Picus has spent the past decade developing and packaging his Extreme Close Quarters Tactics Course to not only teach efficient techniques but also to teach them in an efficient manner.

0297 – AAR on ICE Training Extreme Close Quarters Tactics Course

So I should be running on fumes. Long, strenuous day. Instead of being worn out, I am energized. I was pusehed to emotional. mental and physical limits today and i expect more tomorrow. Seriously, is tomorrow Christmas? Tune in for AAR fro ICE Training Extreme Close Quarters AAR Day 1 and like me, get ready for day 2!

0263 – An Interview with Doug Dirren of TASER International

The TASER X26 is one of the most universal tools found on LEO's duty belts because of its effectiveness and its track record for safety. TASER now has made their ECD's available to law abiding citizens for several years. The current line of civilian TASERS is lead by the C2 which has the exact features that good people need to end violent encounters and escape as quickly as possible.

0253 – My Preflight Checklist

Murphy is our constant companion. It never fails that "stuff" happens at the worst possible moment. the only thing worse than the stuff happening is the knowledge that we could have prevented the situation all together or taken action to mitigate the consequences. That is our topic in general today as we get ready to talk specifically about my pre flight check list.

0244 – Last Minute Christmas Shopping Cart Tactics

Here I am with something in both hands when it hits the fan. Because of how our bodies are wired even if I want to open my hand, drop my Angry Bird, and draw my pistol, I might find that to be a challenging prospect based on the grasp reflex that is often experienced in stressful situations. We can see this reaction in dash cam video where law enforcement engage in serious life or death conflicts while holding their citation book in their support hand. It is as if some one has bound the book to the hand. Imagine me, unable to break my grasp on a fluffy stuffed animal, unable to draw my pistol, beating off two dirtbags with a fluffy stuffed animal in each hand. A flailing, furry, mess for sure. Yeah, this is the kind of stuff that goes through my head.

0235 – PR – CIA / Executive Ice Scraper

Over the past month, as the weather has gotten colder the Executive Ice Scraper has made its way into may bag of tricks. It will come in handy for its intended purpose as the cold weather rolls in here in NE Ohio. When the weather warms up, due to travel, or change in season, I'm guessing the tool will stay right in the bag. Ready to get moved into primary position when I don't have a choice and waiting to serve as a deep backup when needed.

0223 – Less Training = Less Competence

When the chips are down, we need to be ready. The last thing we want to do in a violent encounter is to put more on our plate. Think for a moment about what is involved in dominating a violent encounter. You must recognize the situation for what it is, decide what you are going to do about it, do it, reevaluate and repeat. All of those steps take time and time is something you have very little of in violence. Don't add to the list. Train so that you are ready to dominate when life deals you a rotten hand. Train to avoid incompetence.