Self-Defense Frequently Asked Question

National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0307 – The Problem with Firearm Safety Rules

In my opinion it is imperative that the student/teacher relationship is based on trust. We are dealing with life and death issues when we deal with combatives. The student must trust that the instructor is giving the best information possible. Many people mistake the instructors best effort with the instructor being required to be right I disagree The instructor has the responsibility to commit to having the best information available to provide to their students The instructor must constantly seek to understand where they are wrong and improve the information that provide to their students

0292 – SSA Updates

There are a lot of moving parts at SSA and from time to time I want to bring you up to speed on what it is that we are doing behind the scenes and away from the podcast because some of you are curious, others would love to give input, and finally, there are a bunch of you that would plain love to jump in and join the fun. Well today we flip the balance of the podcast and talk a little bit about an important topic and a lot of time on admin. Thanks for tuning in!

0273 – Workout CCW

Why Should You Carry a Pistol when you Work Out? I can't really answer this question for you. Only you can understand what you should be prepared to deal with and why. What I can do is tell you some of the issues that you should look at that might help you to understand why it might be a good idea for you to carry.

0272 – Threat Responses

It is important to understand that your response to any given situation will be a personal choice based on your assessment of the circumstances. Just like anything in life, our response to violence must be balanced. We must consider the totality of the circumstances that we are immersed in at the time and choose a response that is appropriate for the particular circumstances. We must take into account the legal, ethical and moral consequences to our actions. Although these considerations are important, there will be little or no time to consider the consequences in the heat of the moment. Therefore it is important to consider these areas well in advance of your need to use force so that you can make some determinations of what is appropriate and justified. As long as innocent life is preserved and any use of force is justified, you made the right choice.

0134 – SDFAQ Should I Carry Pepper Spray?

In my FSDUC courses one of the most common questions I get is, "Should I carry pepper spray." For me the answer is pretty simple. Of course. Today let's take a quick look at why and just a few of the MANY factors we need to consider.

0121 – SDFAQ Self-Defense Handgun Storage in the Home

Last week I spent some time shooting with some friends. Ted who is also a student of mine had a great question about storage of home defense handguns. This is a common question and certainly an important one to address. When we talk about the storage of self-defense handguns there are two principles that we need to take into account when we decide on our storage method. Fast and easy to access for authorized users Inaccessible to unauthorized users Today we take a look at some of the points we need to consider as we look at how to store our defensive handguns in the home. Remember that you as the end user are responsible for your actions.

0101 – SDFAQ Selecting the Correct Gun for the Job

There is no topic more heavily debated across gun shop counters, at shooting ranges, during training courses and of course on the web that what is the perfect gun for _________? My favorite part of this debate is that people actually think there is a universal answer. Today we will take a look at what criteria we should use to help us select the proper firearm for the job.

0066 – SDFAQ, Why Carry CONCEALED

[display_podcast] Warrior Summit A common question students…

0029 – SDFAQ Working Late in a Dangerous Neighboorhood

[display_podcast] Check out or pages on Facebook and Twitter. Remember…