
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0219 – 9-11 Series: What Can We Do When We Find Ourselves In the Middle of Terrorism

No matter who we are or where we live we run the risk of becoming a victim of terrorism. The prospect of lone wolf actions make the new breed of terrorism difficult to detect. Add to that the fact that terrorists are actively researching the accessibility to targets in urban, suburban and rural areas, we can deduce that anything can happen anywhere. Obviously, we don't want to spend our lives in fear, but at the same time I feel that we must recognize the risks we face and we need to prepare ourselves to handle the situations when they arise.

0218 – 9-11 Series: How Can We Prevent Future Terror Attacks

No one wants to find themselves in the middle of some type of terrorist action. Once we are in the middle, we have lost some or all of the control that we have over ourselves and I have to tell you control is never something I want to surrender. So, it would make sense that just like any other safety issue we should turn our thoughts and efforts to awareness and prevention to help us avoid getting into a situation that we don't want to be in. In the past ten years our country has invested billions of dollars into the prevention of terrorism. Some of that money is well spent, but in general, I think the price tag could have been a lot lower if everyone was willing to put in the sweat equity to stop terrorism.