
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0317 – Safety and Security Trends in our Schools

School shootings are a complex and challenging problem to solve. The reactionary position that LE, school administrators and students find themselves in seems to be a difficult scenario in which to succeed, however, the stakes are high. We value our children tremendously as we should and a the same time we often leave them in precariously exposed positions without the tools to deal with serious problems that can occur. Some news this month would seem to indicate that we are correcting course to a degree and working to regain ground in the battle to keep our children safe. Today we will talk about some of the issues that surround school violence.

0307 – The Problem with Firearm Safety Rules

In my opinion it is imperative that the student/teacher relationship is based on trust. We are dealing with life and death issues when we deal with combatives. The student must trust that the instructor is giving the best information possible. Many people mistake the instructors best effort with the instructor being required to be right I disagree The instructor has the responsibility to commit to having the best information available to provide to their students The instructor must constantly seek to understand where they are wrong and improve the information that provide to their students

0300 – Safety as a Concept In Training and in Life

Recently I stopped to look at the rules that were posted in our local YMCA swimming pool. There were a total of 14 rules listed one of which was, "No breath holding contests." It was really frustrating to read the rules that were trying to address very specific situations that were considered a danger and missing the big picture. There was no mention of "Swim within your ability," or any other rule that addressed safety as a concept. When we have rules like, "No breath holding contests," I always look for the rules that say, "Do not park your vehicles in the swimming pool," and "No chainsaws allowed in the hot tub." We can never address EVERY safety concern with a rule and we need to stop trying. When we attempt to cover it all specifically we will miss something, we will smother those we are trying to protect with minutia and we short circuit out goal of creating a safer environment.

0299 – Getting Children Into Car Seats Safely

I don't prescribe to the idea of safety based on good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, but we can look at some patterns and do our best to choose where we spend our time. Where we live, work and go to school all tend to be what they are we mustn't forget that we control our own destiny and if we don't like our surroundings it is within our power to effect change in our lives. There are decisions that are even more under our control such as where we shop and where we spend our recreational time that we have even more control over.

0294 – Safety at Home: 17 ways you can make your home a safer place!

I am working hard to mix it up.  Today I really wanted to…

0291 – Beach and Pool Safety Tips

I carry a gun with me when I go to the beach, but typically a violent lethal force situation is not my first concern. Don't get me wrong, we talk about when, not if and we should always be prepared, however, I feel like there are issues that have consequences that are just as severe and are much more likely to occur. I do my best to be ready for everything, but I start with events that have severe consequences that are likely to happen. Remember this is not some beach specific formula. This concept applies to us whatever we are doing and wherever we go.

0284 – Power Door Locks, Awareness, Safety, Security and Self-Defense

It stinks to have my truck in the shop. This LExus SUV doesn't tow quite as well as my 3/4 ton diesel Excursion and I have to say, the locks drive me nuts as well. Today we look at the way power door locks can enhance our safety and how excessive convenience can be an issue.

0283 – 6 Tips for a Safer Appliance Repair House Call

I like that I am able to look at my life experiences and turn them into tools that others can learn from. I just wish my washing machine worked. Oh well, my misfortune is your gain at least I hope! Stay safe and have a great day!

0253 – My Preflight Checklist

Murphy is our constant companion. It never fails that "stuff" happens at the worst possible moment. the only thing worse than the stuff happening is the knowledge that we could have prevented the situation all together or taken action to mitigate the consequences. That is our topic in general today as we get ready to talk specifically about my pre flight check list.

0247 – Dealing with Christmas Scum

Whenever we look at crime and violence we need to try to break down the crime so that we can understand it and the dirt that perpetrates that crime. A smash and grab is a simple, fast and relatively effective mode of crime. Entry is typically gained by smashing a glass door or window. Then climbing through the entry point or using that point to manipulate the lock. After entry the shit bags proceed to high probability areas of the home to grab loot and leave. Yup, shit bags.