
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0242 – Use Holiday Cards to Update Your Contacts

Lets face it. When you NEED to get a hold of someone, you NEED to get a hold of someone. The situation might be as simple as a flat tire or a dead car battery, or as serious as a sick family member or a missing child. In times of need, those individuals who have resources are more likely to influence their outcome. Resources come in many shapes and sizes. In a violent encounter we may draw on our training resources, our CCW, or our unarmed combative skills, but in all of the examples I gave above, car problems or a sick or missing family member communication might be vital to resolving the situation. With our modern communication devices, there is no reason that you should not have all of the information you need right at your fingertips. A mechanic or tow truck, no problem. These resources can make dealing with automotive challenges a breeze. Although dealing with a sick or missing family member is typically a much more severe issue, again communication can help. Having poison control, the family doctor and emergency resources at your finger tips can mean the difference between life and death. When your teenager isn't where they are supposed to be, having their school number, work number and all of their friends numbers ready to use could make the difference between a sigh of relief and a long night of worrying or worse!

0238 – Using your Smart Phone to Lead a Safer Life

Three years ago I would not have been able to imagine a world without cell phones. More than any other thing invented in recent times they have made our lives more efficient. The ability to communicate on a whim with virtually anyone allows our lives to be more flexible and spontaneous. This past holiday I chuckled when my dad busted out his circa 2004 flip phone. The reason I laughed is because it isn't about the phone any more. They are all in one do it all gadgets that have become essential in our lives. Yes, we could survive without smartphones, but for now we don't need to, so why not use them to help us when the chips are down!

0163 – Enter ICE In Your Phone

In an emergency situation communication is key. There are however situations where we may depend on others to do the communicating for us. One of those times is if we are injured or incapacitated in some way and are unable to communicate ourselves. In that situation many people would love to help out, if they only knew how. That is where ICE comes in!

0089 – Phones, Social Media, GeoTags

[display_podcast] Visit the Warrior Summit, check out the details,…