
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0215 – FF Walmart Shooting Sparks Controversy

I'm not a lawyer. I don't even proetend to be one on the internet. I do however spend a good bit of time working to understand violence and all of the possible implications it carries with it. There is no doubt that violence carries with it some very serious implications. We must find balance between acting quickly and aggressively enough to preserve our life while showing enough restraint to keep our finances and freedom secure.

0130 – FF Bar Fight Turns to Murder

In today's Friday Film we take a look at a bar fight where two mutual combatants are involved in a confrontation. Although I do not believe this is a self-defense encounter, I do think there are lessons to be learned. Take a look and see what you think.

0128 – LE What Can Women Learn From This

I really appreciate the input that I get from my listeners. If you haven't found Sports Stole My Man you should check it out. Jen Posted up on my FB wall a link to this article Lululemon Robbery/Murder with the question: "What can women learn from this?" Great question, but I'm not surprised that's what good journalists do is ask good questions.