
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0299 – Getting Children Into Car Seats Safely

I don't prescribe to the idea of safety based on good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods, but we can look at some patterns and do our best to choose where we spend our time. Where we live, work and go to school all tend to be what they are we mustn't forget that we control our own destiny and if we don't like our surroundings it is within our power to effect change in our lives. There are decisions that are even more under our control such as where we shop and where we spend our recreational time that we have even more control over.

0139 – Some Auto Travel Tips

As I mentioned yesterday I spent some time in the south with family this past weekend. We were able to find a cheap one way fare for my wife so I stayed down for a few extra days with my daughters to maximize our time. As I started to get ready to hit the road home, for the first time I can ever remember a 10-12 hour car trip was a bit daunting. The trip came off without a hitch mostly because of my prior preparations. Even if we would have experienced difficulties, we would have been able to handle them without too much in the way of worries. Are you ready for that spring break road trip?

0104 – Using Bogus Emails to Improve our Security

I get a deluge of emails from my listeners that are related to crime prevention. I read them all and I would guess that I use something from just about every email. I got this one yesterday and I wanted to share with you the tips that I took from the email. I have to say that I was glad that someone took the time to check the email out on to get the real story.