
National Safety Month Gun Safety Campaign

Safety Solutions Academy is the name of my company and it shouldn't…

0261 – An Interview with Ray Kohout Designer of the Heizer Defense Double Tap

Some folks have dubbed the Double Tap a fancy derringer. I think this is a pretty narrow view. Speaking of narrow, .58" in width. The Double Tap is aimed at the professionals and those that are serious about self-defense. Its size, design, materials and caliber all speak to its purpose as a fighting tool. Its innovative design, and serious price tag distinguish it from other small guns only time will tell if consumers are able to do the same.

0255 – Mike Boyle on the Combative Shotgun

In recent years the popularity of the AR-15 platform has exploded.…

0108 – Federal Ammo Recall

[display_podcast] Warrior Summit A link to recall info at THR Immediate…