0111 – Principles of Unarmed Self-Defense

I have been studying unarmed self-defense for a lot of years. I began as a student with Ian Kinder of Live Safe Academy where I gained an understanding as a student. Now as I continue to use Ian's material I have been gaining a new and better understanding of the material as I study it from the viewpoint of an instructor. As I have been reorganizing my unarmed combatives program I began to reflect on the principles of unarmed self-defense. Today as we begin an extended look at unarmed combat, we examine the principles that help to direct me as an instructor.

0110 – FF Holding Cell Hell

Today I continue my rant about our responsibility to defend ourselves. Yesterday we talked about Wal-mart dismissing two employees for violating store loss prevention policy when they disarmed a shoplifter who shoved a gun into one of the employee's back. My dialog regarding that news story continued after my podcast. We shouldn't support those who don't support our right to self-defense. Policies like Wal-marts policy not only get people killed, but they do something that might be worse. They create drones

0108 – Federal Ammo Recall

[display_podcast] Warrior Summit A link to recall info at THR Immediate…

0105 – FF Walsall Fights (violent content)

Learning about violence from CCTV is a way better bet than being in the middle of it based on the video montage I chose as this weeks Friday Film.

0104 – Using Bogus Emails to Improve our Security

I get a deluge of emails from my listeners that are related to crime prevention. I read them all and I would guess that I use something from just about every email. I got this one yesterday and I wanted to share with you the tips that I took from the email. I have to say that I was glad that someone took the time to check the email out on Snopes.com to get the real story.

0103 – Youtube Security

[display_podcast] Warrior Summit I am not a crazy youtube video…